IISHAM TECH is the only authorized representative of FRICK INDIA LTD for entire Middle East and Africa region. FRICK INDIA LIMITED (F I L) was incorporated as a public limited company in 1962. Now the company has diversified and developed into one of the front ranking companies and its equipment is rated amongst the world's best. F I L started manufacturing screw compressors since 2000-01 with testing facility as per ISO 917: 1989(E) standards. The rotors are being supplied by M/s Holroyd of U.K. Frick India also packages Screw Compressors and have a wide range of High Speed Reciprocating Compressors. Frick India also installs turnkey projects and uses their 50 years' experience in Industrial Refrigeration Compressor manufacturing in good stead to give energy efficient and reliable Refrigeration systems in India and 50 other countries across the world. Currently F I L have no connections with Frick USA.